Your Comms Group: the 'unified telecommunications company' offering an umbrella of bespoke business solutions

There’s always new technology ... It's my responsibility to make sure the team is well-trained and able to provide the best service for our clients.

by Evelyn White

Your Comms Group is the telecommunications company offering an umbrella of bespoke solutions to keep your business tech-savvy. Unique in their ability to offer a variety of solutions, from mobile to broadband, connectivity to remote device management, the Your Comms expert telecoms team can help. I caught up with Joshua Tatiah, the Head of Communications at Your Comms Group, and learned how his business journey in telecoms began with a keen interest in technology as a young boy. We covered the necessity of keeping updated with the newest technologies given the constant flux of the industry and how VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) can save businesses time and money.

Could you tell me what Your Comms Group does?

Your Comms Group is a telecommunications company that supplies line rental, third system, broadband and mobile to businesses, concentrating mainly on businesses with solutions to provide. In other words, we are a unified communications company.

What is your role at Your Comms Group and what does this involve?

I am the Head of Communications which involves supervising a group of sales staff: I train them on the products & services, help with company growth and manage customer’s accounts. Keeping the team updated on the newest innovations in technology is important as there’s always new changes and features. It's my responsibility to make sure the team is well-trained and knowledgeable to provide the best service for our clients.

Joshua Tatiah alongside a colleague from Your Comms group

What does your client base look like?

My client base ranges from SMEs, government contracts, UK embassies to estate agents so it varies. Anyone can be a customer, especially in telecommunications. Also, everyone needs a telephone line so we’re the first point of call for that.

It's the right time for businesses to move towards new technology and keep updated with innovations that will ultimately help them in the future.

What makes the business stand out from the competition?

Our company is one of the top suppliers in the UK as our prices are very competitive.  We thank our clients with incentive and promote their businesses on social media - not many companies do that. Furthermore, we introduce our clients to each other so that they can do business with each other and creates a mutually beneficial business relationship which is unique to our business.

Why does your business place importance in gaining knowledge about how technology works?

I’ve been in telecommunications for twelve years now. As a child, I was a technology nerd since my father gave me a computer so I was always interested in technology and how it worked. It was a coincidence that I was headhunted by a telecommunications company even though I studied hospitality management and was working at a five star hotel at the time.

After giving it a try I never looked back. Twelve years down the line, I’m fully fledged in telecommunications and am always keeping up to date what's new in the technology market. Everything is based on the Cloud now so our priority is updating our knowledge on this new era of tech. It's the right time for businesses to move towards new technology and keep updated with innovations which will ultimately help them in the future.

We thank our clients with incentive and promote their businesses on our social media - not many companies do that
Joshua Tatiah and the Ambassador of the Embassy of Burundi, Elisa Nkerabirori 

Do you have any success stories from the business to share with us?

Coronavirus affected a lot of businesses with many being forced to close because they couldn’t function like they used to. My staff were trained on VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) solutions which means that they are able to work anywhere in the world and still do the job effectively. I have a client who was spending £50,000 on building rent per month. With VoIP solutions, staff are able to work from home as if they were in the office. Now, he saves money on office space, they’re more proactive and there’s no problems with lateness. Thus is proof of savings and proactivity in business simply by having the latest technology.

How has Networking.London helped boost your business?

Networking.London has definitely helped the growth of the company. Business in Hammersmith & Fulham coming together and seeing what else is out there is good for us. Creating those relationships with people is so important because everyone likes to work with people they can trust and feel comfortable with and Networking.London allows for these connections to be made. Businesses in Hammersmith & Fulham now know what is out there and can connect with one another when they’re looking for certain niches in different markets.

What are you hoping to expect  from the business in the future?

We’re expecting to double our turnover in the next 2-3 years as business is going really well with the team and company growing massively. It’s a good time to do business at the moment as a lot of people are being made aware of what’s out there so it's easier to provide our services to other companies.

Members of the Your Comms team

You can find out more about the services offered by Your Comms Group by visiting their website:
