“My upbringing is in many ways my greatest asset artistically. The world I have seen and am part of, the fragility and desperation on the one hand, and the bonds, community, creativity, and sense of determination on the other, shape the way I approach acting.”

by Evelyn White

Many of us are told as children that the sky is the limit and to pursue our dreams. Victor Masha, from South Acton is doing just that after being accepted to the prestigious performing arts school, The Julliard School. With notable alumni including Viola Davis, Robin Williams, and Nina Simone, Victor will be competing amongst some of the world's top talent. The Julliard School has a long history of producing some of the world's greatest performers.

Victor’s interest in acting began in secondary school when one of his friends suggested they explore acting together. However, his school cancelled drama at GCSE by the time Victor got to Year 10, so he decided to pursue acting on his own. He began attending classes at the Identity School of Acting. Before long, he found himself starring in the short film Bando - alongside a group of three others from the Bollo Bridge Youth Centre.

Victor stars in Bando

Victor was over the moon after receiving news of his acceptance to Julliard. Even with a partial scholarship, he soon realised that the cost of tuition and accommodation was much higher than he'd expected.

Victor must show proof of funds to apply for his student visa. He is determined to make his dream of attending Julliard a reality and started a GoFundMe page to help him reach his goal.

Is there anything in particular that inspired you to apply to Julliard?

“The fact that Julliard is known as being one of the highest-ranking acting schools in the world made me want to aim for the best. I want to be the best version of myself in general and have high ambitions to perfect my craft and work with other talented actors too.”

What was the application process like?

“I had to write a two-page essay on why I wanted to act and attend Julliard. In total there were six rounds of auditions over the course of four days and then a final interview over zoom. Offered for him to come to New York in March for the next round of the final audition among thousands of other candidates. I got a call in the middle of the night from an American number and they told me that I’d got in.”

Victor alongside applicants for Julliard in New York

The deadline is fast approaching, with the aim of raising 30k by the 30th of August. So far, the crowdfunding page has reached just over £20,000!

Please donate to help Victor reach his target, pursue his acting dreams and seize this fantastic opportunity.

Simply follow the link below to donate:
